Implementation of Gesture Recognition System for Home Automation using FPGA and ARM Controller
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015 | Popularity: 7 / 10


Implementation of Gesture Recognition System for Home Automation using FPGA and ARM Controller

N. Naveenkumar, Dr. V. Padmaja, Ch. Nagadeepa

Abstract: New natural methods of control are needed due to the increase in the number of industrial and home appliances that must be controlled. In this paper presents releasable fpga based hand gesture recognition system is proposed by using a method called artificial neural network is used this method mainly used to add learning capabilities of gesture recognition system that can be used for impaired people. The sensor based gestures control system is composed by two subsystems that communicated via radio waves. The first subsystem is a transmitter that has an accelerometer which reads predefined gesture values. The second subsystem is the receiver on which the data processing takes place. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation is an easy an attractive way for hardware implementation. The desired network is modeled, trained and simulated by using Xilinx. Network architecture trained with different methods could be simulated and the network that is best performing for given application is chosen for hardware implementation using vhdl language developed by Xilinx Inc. This HDL design can then be synthesized for implementation in the Xilinx family of FPGA devices.

Keywords: Accelerometer, gesture recognition system, zigbees, artificial neural network, Field programmable gate arrays

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015

Pages: 2099 - 2105

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N. Naveenkumar, Dr. V. Padmaja, Ch. Nagadeepa, "Implementation of Gesture Recognition System for Home Automation using FPGA and ARM Controller", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015, pp. 2099-2105,, DOI:

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