Recent e-Presentations - Page 12
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Chemistry, India, Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Pages: 2066 - 2070Comparative Study of the Antiurolithiatic Activity of Plant Hydroalcoholic Extract of Argemone mexicana, Cissus javana DC and Garcinia pendunculata
O. Ibopishak Singh, A. Bimola Devi
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Applied Chemistry, Egypt, Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020
Pages: 773 - 786Heterocyclic Schiff Bases as Main Entity In Methine & Metal Complexes Cyanine Dyes Synthesis
A. I. M. Koraiem, M. M. Gommaa, H. A. El-Damarany, M. H. Yosry
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Chemistry, Nigeria, Volume 2 Issue 4, April 2013
Pages: 463 - 467Heavy Metal Analysis of Blends of Methyl Esters Obtained from Four Virgin Tropical Seed Oils
O. G. Igbum, K. Asemave, C. A Nwadinigwe, N. Y. Akaasah
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Civil Engineering, India, Volume 8 Issue 5, May 2019
Pages: 784 - 786Analysis of Visual Impairment for Designing a Revival Center
Vishnu R, Fazil P
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Dentistry, India, Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020
Pages: 723 - 727Marginal Adaptation of CAD-CAM Fabricated Ceramic Inlays: An in-Vitro Evaluation
Dr Bhavana Kalla, Dr Kantheti Sirisha, Dr Jyothi Mandava
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Pharmacology Science, India, Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016
Pages: 1400 - 1405Anticancer Property of Simple Ascidian Phallusia Nigra Savigny, 1816 against MDA-MB-231 Cells
M. Paripooranaselvi, V. K. Meenakshi
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Oncology Science, India, Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017
Pages: 858 - 861Pre-operative Serum Albumin Levels as a Marker of Post-operative Complications in Ovarian Masses Referred to a Tertiary Cancer Institute with Suspicion of Malignancy
Bhardwaj Bikram, Mankad Meeta H., Dave Pariseema S., Kamath Anusha A.
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Nanotechnology, India, Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Pages: 361 - 365Synthesis and Structural Properties of Polystyrene Complexed with Cadmium Sulfide
Roshani N. Bhagat, Vijaya S. Sangawar
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Computers in Biology and Medicine, India, Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
Pages: 962 - 964A Study on Image Processing in Medical Field
Gopika M
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Finance, China, Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020
Pages: 1331 - 1344Impact of Age Population Structure on Transport Infrastructure Investments
Michael Kwabena Ofori
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Electronics & Communication Engineering, India, Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014
Pages: 108 - 112Design and Simulation of Four Stage Pipelining Architecture Using the Verilog
Rakesh M. R
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Nursing, India, Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Pages: 408 - 410A Study to Determine the Prevalence of School Dropouts and its Association with Selected Factors among Children of 6-19 Years, Residing in a Rural Community of West Bengal
Baisakhi Sarkar
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Electronics & Communication Engineering, India, Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018
Pages: 1662 - 1664Enhancement of Gray Level Image by Fuzzy and Filter Technique
Monalisa Pandey, Pankaj Sharma
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Education Management, Philippines, Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020
Pages: 944 - 949Teaching Outside Science Specialism: Plight of Public-School Science Major Teachers in Montevista District
Elizer M. Rebucas, Dominic M. Dizon
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Dental Science, Spain, Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018
Pages: 190 - 192Dental Formulas of Humans and Other Mammals: Classification according to their Evolution
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Gonzalez
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Dental Science, India, Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019
Pages: 697 - 700A Maxillary Second Molar with an Unusual Positioning of Palato-Mesiobuccal Canal: A Case Report
Prashant Shetty, Pooja Khandagale, Reema Jangid, Jilesh Kumar, Pradeep Bapna
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Social Science, Qatar, Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Pages: 1739 - 1754Leaving the Daylight: The Adjustments of Filipino Night Shift Workers in the State of Qatar
Dr. Fredelito Don John A. Vallesteros, Paolo Andrei Emmanuel B. Dipasupil, Rev Adligh V. Gamayon, Dianne Grace M. Bautista, Jeshana Novene F. De Guzman, Ezekielle M. Milan
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Physiotherapy, India, Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020
Pages: 1067 - 1070The Effects of Therapeutic Exercises on Physical Performance among Diabetic Older Individuals from Rural Population
Dr. Pratima S Sarwadikar, Dr. Shyam D Ganvir
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Physiology and Biochemistry, India, Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020
Pages: 174 - 178Happiness - The Role of Neurochemicals
Radhika P, Roopasree B, Dr. J. K. Mukkadan
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Agronomy, Nigeria, Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016
Pages: 148 - 150Effect of Albizia saman Seed Meal on the Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finisher Broilers
Ikpe Juliana. Nneka, Azu Donatus E.O