International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Case Studies | Health and Medical Sciences | Indonesia | Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023

A Rare Case of Breast Tuberculosis Presenting in Non-Lactating Woman: A Case Report

Ary Priadnyana [2] | Evelyn Nathania | Wayan Wahyu Semara Putra [10] | Ni Made Dwita Yaniswari [9]

Abstract: Introduction: Mastitis tuberculosis is an uncommon manifestation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis for less than 2% of total tuberculosis patients. Diagnosis is often challenging due to the diverse presentation mimicking several diseases such as breast abscesses. Case: 47-year-old woman complained of a lump on left breast which gradually grew 3 months before admission with purulent discharge from the sinus adjacent to the lump.4 kg of weight loss in 2 months and fever were reported. Examination of the left breast showed a firm, palpable, painful mass with the size of 3x3 cm, with the formation of single sinus track atop the lump generating purulent discharge. Breast abscess was suspected and broad-spectrum antibiotics were given. As the patient showed no significant changes, biopsy was performed and showed granulomatous, necrosis, and multinucleated giant cells Langhans in breast parenchyma. The patient was treated with 9 months of anti-tuberculosis treatment and showed significant improvement. Discussion: Mastitis Tuberculosis occurs mostly in women of reproductive age with an incidence less than 2% of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. It may present as single or multiple firm or flexible masses. Granulomatous reaction, necrosis, and Langhans giant cell were shown in biopsy and as standard for diagnosis. It is recommended for extrapulmonary tuberculosis to be treated with 9 months of anti-tuberculosis and she showed significant improvement after it. Conclusion: Although it is a rare form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis often mimicking breast abscess and is challenging prior to diagnosis, mastitis tuberculosis should be given prompt treatment to increase the patient?s outcome and quality of life.

Keywords: Mastitis, Tuberculosis, Breast

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023,

Pages: 996 - 999

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