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Masters Thesis | Health and Medical Sciences | India | Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023 | Popularity: 5 / 10
To Study Clinical and Radiological Changes in Post COVID-19 Patients and its Impact on Quality of Life
Mohd Arif Husain, Gajendra Vikram Singh, Santosh Kumar, Prashant Gupta, Sachin Kumar Gupta
Abstract: Background: The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), at the beginning of the 21st century, signaled a warning of cross-species transmissions that had the potential to rapidly spread across the globe. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) to be a pandemic, with approximately 20% of patients infected requiring hospitalization and 6% in critical care and needing invasive ventilatory assistance. Considering that the COVID?19 pandemic being the largest after world war II, it is important to investigate its effects on the long?term pulmonary capacity and functionality with the follow?up of patients who had the infection and to assess the morbidity associated with this disease. The aim of this study is to search the long?term effects of COVID?19 on patients who have had severe COVID?19 pneumonia history. We would like to find out the potential long?term impacts of COVID?19 on pulmonary capacity and health?related quality of life. Methods: Our study was a hospital based, observational and prospective study, which had been conducted on patients? admitted at Covid isolation facility and those patients attended O. P. D. of department of tuberculosis and respiratory diseases and department of medicine, S. N. Medical College Agra. Results: Out of 86 patients, at base line (At the time of discharge of the COVID patients) commonest symptom was fatigue 64%, followed by dyspnea 64%, cough 74%, and Chest Pain 42% and Fever 36% and Psychiatric Illness 32%. After 3 months of follow-up commonest symptom was fatigue 78%, followed by dyspnea 52%, cough 68%, Chest Pain 32%, Fever 12% and Psychiatric Illness 38%. ? Out of 86 patients, Commonest radiological finding noted at baseline 48% have normal CXR finding followed by diffuse reticulation in 28%, Consolidation 28% and GGO 25%. After 3 months of follow-up on Chest X-Ray baseline 65% patients have normal CXR followed by diffuse reticulation in 32%, Consolidation 28% and GGO 25%. Out of 86 patients initially chest HRCT shows Reticulations 42% followed by GGO in 35%, Consolidation in 44%, Honey Combing 20% and Fibrosis 35%. After 3 months of follow-up commonest finding noted is Reticulations in 68% followed by GGO 28%, Consolidation 42%, Honey Combing 24% and Fibrosis 49%. Conclusions: Three months after recovering from COVID- 19 pneumonia, significant clinical, radiological abnormalities and pulmonary function test impairment were found. Most of the patients reported a poor perceived health due to respiratory symptoms and every patient presented an overall deterioration of quality of life.
Keywords: COVID-19, SARS, HRCT
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023
Pages: 1562 - 1567
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