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Research Paper | Mathematics | Nigeria | Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022 | Popularity: 5 / 10
The Effect of Fluctuating Economic Variables on the Stock Exchange Stability: Implications for Sustainable Development and Investment Planning
Nafo N. M.
Abstract: A basic technique of studying the interaction between competing investors for wealth creation is the use of the method of mathematical modelling and numerical simulation. In this paper, we are proposing to utilize the method of numerical simulation to examine the effect of fluctuating induced-interest rate and inflation factors on the stability of two competing investors. At different instances, we have observed that when the growth rates of the first and second populations of investors as well as their carrying capacities are varied, the co-existence steady state solutions are dominantly stable having two negative eigenvalues. The results of our present analysis have some vital roles to play in the functioning of sustainable development and investment planning. These results have not been seen elsewhere they will presented and discussed in this talk.
Keywords: Competing Investors, Numerical Simulation, Induced Interest Rate, Stability, Inflation Factors, Sustainable Development
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022
Pages: 201 - 202
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