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Experimental Result Paper | Educational Psychology | India | Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
A Study of the Effectiveness of Podcasts in Teaching Computer Science as a Pedagogical Intervention for Effective Transaction
Km. Savita, Dr. Shalini Yadava
Abstract: Podcasting in India is at a very nascent stage, despite the fact that the nation has a large number of active bloggers. In India it's growing very fast. For this purpose, researcher planned to study the effective teaching- learning techniques of podcasts for computer science in senior secondary classrooms. Purpose: This study accounts for the effectiveness of podcasts in teaching computer science in the extent of retention capability, interest of students and academic achievements of students at secondary school level. This study had shaded light on the use of technology i.e. Podcast in teaching-learning at senior secondary stage with respect to Computer Science. Design: For this study, researcher had developed podcasts with the content about two different topics of the computer science book of NCERT and used them as a tool through podcasting technique for a few weeks. This study lies in quasi-experimental design in nature. The sample for this study was taken through Random Sampling. The School was selected randomly from south-west Delhi zone. The sample size for students was 60 students from two different schools which assimilated using few parameters of class XI. In this study, 30 students were taught through podcasting mode with the help of podcasts and next 30 students through a regular lecture method. Findings: The result of the study implies that using podcasts stipulates qualitative reimbursement for students over and above regular mode (Lecture method) of teaching computer science. While the study is limited by small sample size and by some within-group variation in pedagogical techniques, the study provides initial evidence that podcasts have the potential to provide greater advantages if it is used in teaching-learning practices more than simply as a supplementary tool. Findings of this study have provided information about further research studies which includes different aspects of learning, subjects, teaching resources and learner. According to researcher, this study has shown a different outlook to the teachers and students respectively so that they can replace their traditional lecture methods, learning styles and include podcasting in education. Research limitations: This study focused solely on the schools of the south-west zone of New Delhi. Thus it would have been better if it could have covered several schools all over New Delhi and India. The study was confined to the students of the senior secondary stage only having Computer Science as an optional subject in their course.
Keywords: Podcasts, Effectiveness, Teaching, Pedagogical Intervention, Effective transaction, Computer Science
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022
Pages: 799 - 806
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