The Ancient Indian Science of Vaastu Shastra & Climate Responsive Buildings in 21st Century
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Architecture & Planning | India | Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10


The Ancient Indian Science of Vaastu Shastra & Climate Responsive Buildings in 21st Century

Ankur Pandey

Abstract: A scientific relation between vaastu and the globally accepted climatologically principles for residential building as well as i have try to relate it to the green concepts of the present day need. Basically the overview of my study is dependent on 2 very important variables that are: a) Climate responsive vaastu, b) Orientation of site. Its importance, need and outcome if we consider vastu shastra before or while designing and analyse how vastu favors or conflicts in designing of any residences to understand that how Vastu plays a crucial role in construction of a building and ensuring dimensional and character features of rooms in terms of length, sizes and breadths, together with ensuring that the property utilizes harmonious cosmic energy to its fullest. How Vastu is effective when construction of a building follows both traditional and modern perspectives incorporating correct direction principles as suggested in vastu science. Considering application of vastu is unavoidable based on useful benefits it provides. At the same time, it is noteworthy that several other elements such as heavenly bodies, nature and supernatural forces all exert their inuence on us. The only prudent way out is to strike a chord of harmony with these forces so as to ensure a pleasant living. Vaastu Shastra is that Indian ancient science that provides guidelines to design and maintain a harmonious living condition in the buildings. It therefore becomes imperative to understand and assimilate the Vaastu ideas into modern architecture. With the help of the case studies, the research article is intended to understand and emphasize the role of Vaastu Shastra and its practical applications.

Keywords: Vaastu Shastra, Science, Climate responsive buildings, Energy, modern architecture, sciography, vaastupurush Mandala, Planning, Directions

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020

Pages: 142 - 149

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Ankur Pandey, "The Ancient Indian Science of Vaastu Shastra & Climate Responsive Buildings in 21st Century", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020, pp. 142-149,, DOI:

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