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Research Paper | Engineering | India | Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Generation of Electricity Using Pizo-Electric Sensor through Speed Breaker
Sachchidanand Jha
Abstract: In the present scenario power becomes major need for human life. Due to day-to-day increase in population and lessen of the conventional sources, it becomes necessary that we must depend on non-conventional sources for power generation. While moving, the vehicles possess some kinetic energy and it is being wasted. This kinetic energy can be utilized to produce power by using a special arrangement called POWER HUMP. The Kinetic energy of moving vehicles can be converted into electrical energy through piezo electric senor. This piezo electric senor is connected to the battery and it produces electrical energy proportional to traffic density. This generated power can be regulated by using Zener diode for continuous supply. All this mechanism can be housed under the dome like speed breaker, which is called hump.
Keywords: Power Hump, Zener diode, Battery, PIC 16F877A Microcontroller and LDR
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Pages: 1717 - 1720
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