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Case Studies | Pediatrics | India | Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Congenital Candidiasis
Dr. Anand Manjunath K, Dr. Ramanathan Ramanathan, Dr. Muruganantham Balagurunathan
Abstract: Intrauterine candidal infection is a rare condition. But in can occur through transplacental route or by ascending infection from the vagina. Skin lesions, which may be present at birth, are characterized by erythema, moist erosions and vesiculopustules with erythematous base. The diagnosis is confirmed by identification and isolation of Candidia albicans with KOH preparation and culture of the material obtained from active lesions. We are reporting a case of intrauterine candidial infection in a term neonate from Udaiyarpuram TK, in Tamil Nadu, India.
Keywords: Candidiasis, congenital, pustular eruptions, Amphotericin B, neonate
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015
Pages: 1712 - 1713
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