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Research Paper | Microbiology | India | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Deterioration in Quality and Quantity of Wheat Grains during Storage
Ashok K. Shukla
Abstract: Food is the basic requirement of life and hence need more attention before its consumption. Approximately one fifth of the total agricultural produce either does not reach to consumer or become unsafe for use. However, the most unsafe portion of food grains usually falls to the lot of the poorer. Proper agronomic care of the crops and adequate precautions at the time of harvesting and storage can be of substantial help in avoiding the risk. The former aims at ensuring best kind of propagations materials and maximum production of food grains, while the letter is devoted to conservation and utilization of human food in its best form. However, the quality of food grains is of great importance. Any change in the property of seed, therefore, has to be thoroughly examined as to whether it is in accordance with the norms of food for which the grains are meant. In the present investigation, deterioration in quality and quantity of wheat seed/grains, were analyzed.
Keywords: Deterioration, quality loss, stored grain, wheat, fungal infestation
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 1758 - 1767
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