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Dissertation Chapters | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Implementation of Android Client for Vehicular Accident Detection and Reporting System
Yashpal Gupta S, Dr. Phaneendra H D
Abstract: Transportation technology has improved rapidly, offering very robust functionality and performance of vehicles, though attempts have been done to improve engine performance and fuel efficiency, safety of passengers are still not matured. Safety of the passengers in vehicles can be ensured by avoiding accidents that is proactive approach to do that, even after utmost care is taken to avoid injuries during accidents injuries do happen and accidents are also leading causes of death. To avoid deaths causing due to accidents a reactive approach is necessary to communicate an accident occurred to rescue passenger who are injured in accident. Ample of approaches have been suggested by different authors to overcome this demerits of poor emergency services. This paper provides a possible implementation to provide acceptable service as a solution with no extra cost for any dedicated hardware, and wire free environment. Nowadays android powered vehicles are common in the market where, these devices act as in home PDA, implementing an client application to communicate with an dedicated server minimizes deployment cost also vehicles hardware need not be modified. Android powered vehicles have all the sensors along with GSM and GPS services using this client can be implemented.
Keywords: Implementation, Accident, Detection, Android, Client
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015
Pages: 126 - 130
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