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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Nayan Rathod, Mukund Gonbare, Mallikarjun Pujari
Abstract: This paper present the art of knowledge of basalt fiber, it is relatively new material. Basalt fiber is a high perf-ormance non-metallic fiber made from basalt rock melted at high temperature. Basalt fiber reinforced concrete offers many advantages such as light weight, good fire resistance and strength. In future it is very beneficial for construction industry. Many applications of basalt fiber are residential, industrial, highway and bridges etc. In this study trial test for concrete with basalt fiber and without basalt fiber are conducted to show the difference in compressive strength and flexural strength by using cubes and concrete beams. Various application of BFRC shown in the study, the experimental test result, Techno-financial comparison with other type presented, indicate the tremendous potential of BFRC as an alternative construction material.
Keywords: Basalt fiber, cubes, beam, concrete, flexural capacity
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Pages: 359 - 361
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