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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Study Effect of HSS Single Point Cutting Tool Nose Radius on Cutting Edge Strength and Tool Wear in Machining of EN9
Maheshwari Patil, Dr. R. J. Patil
Abstract: Study effect of H. S. S. single point cutting tool nose radius on cutting edge strength and tool wear in machining of EN9 The cost of cutting tool is high therefore to it is necessary to pay attention to increase the tool life. The effect of cutting tool geometry has long been an issue in understanding mechanics of turning tool geometry has significant influence on chip formation, heat generation, tool wear and surface finish ad surface integrity during turning. This paper presents a survey on variation in tool geometry that is tool nose radius, rake angle, variable edge geometry and their effect on tool wear and cutting edge integrity in the turning operation of components from EN9 (C45) plain carbon steel. Heat generated during turning is also affected by edge preparation due to change in work material flow around the cutting edge. Work-Design and drawing of single point cutting tool with variation in top rake angle (say 30 & 50) respectively with nose radius 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm respectively using H. S. S (S-400) as tool material to determine actual forces using strain gauge, theoretical stresses and wear of cutting edge. In our study we have carried out the experimental study of HSS (S-400) tool or material EN (9) with this objective to study the effect of rake angle and nose radius on tool edge integrity and stress produced in the tool material leading to tool edge failure. The result then obtained will be further useful in selecting appropriate rake angle and nose radius for various conditions of speed, feed and depth of cut further leading to economical machining and improved productivity.
Keywords: Cutting tool, HSS, EN9, cutting forces, stresses, wear etc
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014
Pages: 2563 - 2567
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