International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024

Prevalence of Thumb Pain in Practicing Physiotherapists

Dr. Leena Jaiswal | Dr. Sheetal Bhadra | Dr. Aditi Bahekar

Abstract: Background: Thumb pain is a common issue among physiotherapist due to repetitive motion and manual technique involved in their work. Studies suggest that the high prevalence of thumb pain among physiotherapists is primarily attributed to repetitive strain injuries manual therapy techniques and the use of handheld tools. It is generally agreed upon that thumb pain is a significant concern in this field. Aim: To evaluate the occurrence of pain and discomfort in the thumb among practicing/ clinical physiotherapists. Materials and Methods: This was a Cross Sectional Survey. Based on inclusion criteria, 40 Subjects were taken. Data was collected through the questionnaire and yielded the following result. Statistical Analysis Used: Tables and chart were prepared with the help of Microsoft Word and Excel Software. Statistical software STATA version 14.0 was used for data analysis. Result: There was a high prevalence of thumb pain 66.67% in practicing physiotherapist while 33.33% do not experience pain. Conclusion: From this study we can conclude that the prevalence of thumb pain in practicing physiotherapists is high i. e 66.67%. Factors that significantly increased the likelihood of having thumb problems included working in orthopaedic out patients using manual therapy, trigger point therapy or massage. Based on these finding it is recommended that the potential for thumb problems in physiotherapists, including possible risk factors, should be discussed in undergraduate and work place settings.

Keywords: Thumb, pain, physiotherapy, manual therapy

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024,

Pages: 1193 - 1200

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