International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Review Papers | Social Science | India | Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023

The Tai - Ahom Community in the Era of Modernization: Cultural Changes in Post - Colonial Assam

Jyotipriya Gogoi | Kaushik Dutta MA | Hemeswari Bhuyan [4]

Abstract: Introduction: The Tai - Ahom community is an ethnic group and integral part of Assamese society. They have a rich historical and cultural heritage and their contributions have played a significant role in shaping the history and culture of the region. Under the leadership of Sukapha, Ahom migrants from Upper Burma crossed the Patkai Range and established a kingdom, known as the Ahom Kingdom. Sukapha was successful in establishing his "land of a dream". The reign of Ahom lasted for 600 years as a sovereign state until it was annexed by the British in 1826. Objective: This review work aims to explore the cultural changes experienced by the Tai - Ahom community in post - colonial Assam and observe the impact of modernity on their way of life. Materials and methods: Primary data were collected by interviewing randomly selected adult individuals from Ahom community and fieldwork to observe the cultural practices of the subjects. Secondary data sources were review of books, journals, articles on Culture and its changing process of the Tai - Ahom community. Findings: The investigator observed the cultural changes experienced by the Tai - Ahom community in post - colonial Assam and the impact of modernity on their way of life in respect of their cultural practices, religious beliefs, language usage, and traditional food habits. While modernity is not inherently a negative thing, when it is applied to the Tai societies without an awareness of its negative effects, much damage is done to the community. Conclusion: This Research would encourage people to give the Tai Ahom groups more dignity and power to defend their cultural identities and maintain the balance of their community orientation. But in the Colonial and post - colonial eras, the Tai Ahom community has undergone significant socio - cultural changes, primarily due to the impact of modernity.

Keywords: Tai - Ahom community, modernity, culture, modernization, post colonial Assam

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023,

Pages: 1294 - 1296

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