International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Mathematics | Jamaica | Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023

An Investigation into the Effects of Secondary Mathematics Trainee Teachers' Use of Mathematical Language in Reducing Mathematical Errors: A Jamaican Context

Shaneille Samuels [3]

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the use of the mathematics language in the classroom among secondary mathematics trainee teachers at a selected teachers? college in the corporate area of Jamaica, and its impact on students? understanding of mathematical concepts. The study took mainly a qualitative approach using classroom observations, focus group discussions, pre-test, post-test, and document analysis in the data collection and analysis process. The study was conducted with a convenient sample of fifty-four (n=54) trainee mathematics teachers from the target population of one hundred and fifteen (N=115). The findings from the research showed that majority of the mathematics trainees inappropriately used the mathematics language which strongly correlates to them making mathematical errors as they work to discuss mathematical concepts; which resulted in poor academic performance. Most of them shared that facilitated group discussions have helped them in understanding mathematics concepts. A vast majority of the participants have inferred inadequate familiarity of mathematics concepts caused them to struggle with the mathematics language. The researcher also found that the intervention given after the pre-test, focusing on comprehension and explanation by the appropriate usage of mathematical language, helped students to improve their mathematical skills and competencies, and by extension their academic performance. The results showed that students? mathematical comprehension had improved after the employment of games, role-play and other activities such as creating posters and participating in expositions. There is a need for students to be encouraged in reading and understanding mathematical notation and language until common conventions are fully understood. Also, trainee mathematics teachers need to develop the action of self-reflection and spend time to properly review their work.

Keywords: Mathematical Errors, Mathematical Notation and Language, Self-reflection

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023,

Pages: 634 - 644

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