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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023 | Popularity: 5 / 10
To Correlate the Impact of Disease Severity on Gastric Residual Volume among the Critically Ill Patients
Sherina Koshy, Susan Kumar, Girish Narayan
Abstract: Feeding often receives lower priority compared with other intensive care units (ICU) treatments such as hemodynamic and ventilation control. A descriptive co-relational study design was adopted and a quantitative research design was applied by recruiting 88 subjects for the study using nonprobability purposive sampling technique. It was concluded from the study that on days 1 and 3, there was a moderate positive statistical significance whereas on day 2, there was a weak positive statistical significance between gastric residual volume and disease severity. Measuring gastric residual volume among critically ill patients in ICU is a common practice because the patients are likely to experience delayed gastric emptying, intolerance of enteral feeding, infections, and mortality. More than 50% of patients in ICU have gastric dysmotility, leading to slow gastric emptying and can induce several problems like inadequate caloric intake.
Keywords: APACHE-II score, Gastric residual volume, critically ill patients
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023
Pages: 1172 - 1177
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