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Informative Article | Law | India | Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023 | Popularity: 6 / 10
Evolving Christian Matrimony: A Contemporary Analysis of Indian Christian Marriage Laws
Aleena Joshy, Kamalika KC
Abstract: Marriage is a sacred covenant ordained by God between one man and one woman as per the Bible. If a person is professing Christianity and a Christian way of life, then only he is a Christian. Personal law is a law that identifies what law should apply to a person who belongs to a particular religion in the country. The laws regulating the solemnization of marriages among the Christian community in India are laid down by the Indian Christian Marriage Act of 1872. Laws can never be static. Society conditions keep on changing and laws have to keep pace with such changes if they are to be in tune with the ties. Radical changes are hence required to be made in these Acts to meet the present needs of the Christian community. Realizing the need for changes in the personal laws of Indian Christians an attempt to update these laws are necessary. This paper attempts to examine the concept of the legal status of Christian Marriage Laws and its way forward.
Keywords: Marriage, Christian, Christian marriage laws, Bible, Canon laws
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023
Pages: 36 - 38
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