International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Review Papers | Engineering Science | Iraq | Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022

Review on Corrosion Inhibitors for Oil and Gas Pipelines in Petroleum Industries

Dr. Soad Najmaldin Mohialdin | Cheman Dilshad

Abstract: The pipeline system in the oil and gas industry is the main tool for transportation of crude and refined petroleum. Therefore, continuous exposure of the pipeline surfaces to sources of corrosion such as impurities that contains sulfur and chromate is totally unavoidable. Employment of commercial corrosion inhibitors is compounds used in low concentration to minimize or prevent the corrosion process. The effectiveness of an inhibitor depends on its ability to react with the surface of a metal to form a protective film which takes apart in reducing or providing protection against corrosion. Using of commercial corrosion inhibitors to minimize the corrosion is being restrained due to toxicity towards the environment. The appearance of "green" chemistry has led to the use of plant extracts and fruit and vegetable wastes which have proven by researcher to be good corrosion inhibitors. In the last decade development of ionic liquids (IL) has attracted researcher?s attention due to their interesting properties, considered as green and sustainable candidates to replace the traditional volatile corrosion inhibitor. In this review the main focus is dedicated to the different types of corrosion inhibitors, such as the type of chemicals and their application through a novel and comprehensive classification of the inhibitors. Finally, the methods of corrosion inhibitors application are evaluated, and implications in introducing novel corrosion inhibitors are explored aims to provide information for further investigation and research to discover more efficient inhibition measures for protection of oil and gas pipeline in petroleum industry.

Keywords: corrosion, Inhibitors, oil and gas industry, pipe lines, toxicity, green, commercial, ionic liquid

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022,

Pages: 754 - 764

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