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Informative Article | Literature | Kosovo | Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022 | Popularity: 4.4 / 10
Literature and Tradition in the Literary Work of Ernest Koliqi
Ariana Lukaj
Abstract: Ariana Lukaj PhD (c) at the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" Literature and tradition in the literary work of Ernest Koliqi Ernest Koliqi is a writer who incorporates in his other Albanian works, therefore his literature is related to the love of his people. The question can be asked: - Why is Koliqi's literature related to the rest of his people? The answer related to this question is very important, because Koliqi in his works deals with themes, which deal directly with Albanian life and mentality. What are the topics that Koliqi has addressed in his prose? The topics that Koliqi deals with in his prose are: blood feuds, trust, manhood, honor, revenge etc. He, through his prose tried to be treated in the psychology of Albanians, because through the prose written by him to understand that he was against blood feuds, but it is, which attaches a special importance to honor, pospitality and faith. Koliqi with his prose wanted to make Albanians more vigilant, because by being educated they will realize that blood feuds would leave them far behind in time and thus they would avoid it. With his work, he gave Albanian literature the status of an artistic paper. Ernest Koliqi, prose writer will conquer Albanian stories initially with the book "Shadow of the mountains", which stories, related to the life of Mal?sia and its inhabitans.
Keywords: Ernest Koliqi, hospitality, the given word, revenge, moral
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022
Pages: 603 - 606
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