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Case Studies | Paediatrics | India | Volume 10 Issue 8, August 2021 | Popularity: 4.6 / 10
Heiner's Syndrome - A Case Report from Eastern India
Naresh Kumar Shanmugam
Abstract: This is a case report of a female child admitted with complaints of severe pallor along with generalized weakness and lethargy associated with few episodes of hemoptysis. There were no significant clinical findings, either on general survey or systemic examination other than severe to moderate degree pallor, She was thoroughly investigated stepwise for proper diagnosis. Elaborate investigations included complete hemogram along with serum ferritin, TIBC, RDW, which were consistent with iron deficiency anemia, Urine RE/ME, Stool RE/ME, LFT, Blood coagulation profile, USG abdomen, Echocardiography and skeletal Xray in the form of x - ray hand were wnl. Chest imaging were consistent with the findings of pulmonary hemorrhage. Sputum examination showed Pearls stain +ve. On further history, thorough clinical examination and elaborate laboratory investigations patient was diagnosed to be a case of Heiner?s syndrome.
Keywords: Heiner syndrome, cow's milk protein, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, anaemia, allergy
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 8, August 2021
Pages: 597 - 599
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