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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | Saudi Arabia | Volume 10 Issue 7, July 2021 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10
Attitude and Scope of Practice of Minor Surgical Procedures among PHC Physicians in Dammam, Alkhobarand Al-Qatif Cities
Zahra AlHubail, Fatimah Alnemer, Dr. Ammr Bamana
Abstract: Background: Minor surgery is one of the beneficial services provided in PHC. It is considered safe, cost effective, satisfying for patient and physician and a lower referral rate. Objectives: to assess PHC physicians attitude about MS, to determine the types of MS being performed and to estimate percentage of physicians practicing MS. Design: A cross sectional study. METHOD: online self-administered questionnaire. SAMPLE SIZE: 464 participants. Results: Majority of participant had a positive attitude towards MS practice in PHC. (36.5%) of physicians considered themselves to be competent to practice MS procedures. (70.8%) have interest to practice MS. (80%) encouraged establishing MS at PHC and (86.9 %) encouraged establishing MS training program. (54.3%) of physicians were not satisfied with referring patients to hospitals. (49.1%) of physicians perform MS procedures, most commonly suturing, giving local anesthesia, and injections at a rate of (65.1%), (50.9%), (42.3%), respectively. Barriers perceived by participants were lack of training, lack of facilities and equipment and fear of complications at a rate of (90.8%), (88%) and (73.3%) respectively. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the importance of adequate physicians' training and establishing a MS program in PHC. And providing PHC with necessary equipment.
Keywords: attitude, practice, barriers, and minor surgery
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 7, July 2021
Pages: 921 - 928
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