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Review Papers | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
A Comprehensive Study on Frictionless or Electromagnetic Braking System
Mohamed Faizal S
Abstract: Breaking system is widely used in automobiles to ensure the safety and comfort of the passengers. It directly affects the traffic safety for the safe driving of the vehicle. Various brake testing standards are used and followed to assure this safety. An electromagnetic braking system (EM braking system) is a new and revolutionary concept. Irrespective of hydraulic fluid in disc and drum brakes, EM brakes use magnetic power to engage the brake. Therefore, electromagnetic brakes work on electric and magnetic power. Unlike the conventional braking system which is often referred to as bulky, EM braking system is compact and offers high degree of safety. These brakes have various names like electromechanical brakes, eddy current brakes, frictionless brakes, non-contact brakes and many more. This system works under the principle of electromagnetism. This braking system is frictionless, hence there is no wear and tear of the system parts. This phenomenon is governed by Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic induction and Lenz’ Law. Eddy current is generated by the relative motion between a metal, an alloy conductor, and a magnet. Now when the magnetic flux passes through and perpendicular to the rotating wheel, eddy current flows opposite to the rotating wheel/ rotor direction. This eddy current tries to stop the rotating wheel/rotor. Therefore, the rotating wheel/rotor comes to rest position. This type of braking system is generally used in trains and trams. EM braking system is better in performance and also has low maintenance as compared to conventional braking system.
Keywords: Conventional braking system, Eddy current, Electromagnetism, Magnetic flux, Non-contact braking, Torque
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021
Pages: 1377 - 1380
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