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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 10 Issue 11, November 2021 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10
Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programe on Human Milk Banking among the Adolescents from Selected Colleges of Thiruvananthapuram
Dr. Smitha Rani S, Devika AK, Lekshmi V
Abstract: Human milk bank plays an essential role by providing human milk to infants who would otherwise not be able to receive human milk. This study is to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on human milk banking among the adolescents from selected colleges of Thiruvananthapuram and the objectives are ?to assess the pre test score on human milk banking among adolescent; to provide structured teaching programme on human milk banking; to assess the post test score on human milk banking among adolescent; and to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on human milk banking among adolescents. By Convenient sampling technique, 30 students from NSS women?s college, Thiruvananthapuram were selected for this study. The effectiveness of teaching programme was assessed by using self - administered questionnaire. The data were analyzed by inferential and descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that there is a significant increase in mean post test score regarding human milk banking after structured teaching programme.
Keywords: Adolescent, Human milk bank, Structured teaching programme
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 11, November 2021
Pages: 877 - 879
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