Pseudarthrosis Formation in Open Fractures of Long Bones
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Orthopaedic Surgery | Afghanistan | Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10


Pseudarthrosis Formation in Open Fractures of Long Bones

Dr. Bismillah Nijrabi, Dr. Ahmad Wali Ataye, Dr. Khalid Mohammad Qasem, Dr. Farukh Seyar, Dr. Farida Razavi

Abstract: Introduction: Pseudarthrosis formation in open fractures of long bones is one of the main problem of open fractures’ treatment. While twofold time for healing of a fracture lasts and the fracture does not heal its seems pseudarthrosis formation occurred in the affected area12. The main cause and predisposition factors of pseudarthrosis are infections, non-supportive fixation, bone and soft tissues defect, late reposition, cutting of artery, heavy skin scars, multiple fractures, temporary fixation and so on. In 3 to 6 percent of long bones fractures behind trauma the pseudarthrosis are formed. According to experience of second world war 3 % of pseudarthrosis are reported in open fractures. The process of pseudarthrosis formation is complicated and its treatment in presence of current traumatology development is difficult and has need for more investigations. Aim: Find prevalence of pseudarthrosis predisposing factors in open fractures of long bones. Method: This was a cross sectional study among 32 patients from 450 hospitalized orthopedic patients in Ali-abad teaching hospital during the year 1395. This research has been done by using patients’ files, X-ray and their operations’ protocol. All data collected in research forms and analysis has been done by the help of SPSS and Excel programs. Results: On 450 orthopedic patients among 32 cases with pseudarthrosis of open fractures of long bones which has been referred or hospitalized in Ali-abad teaching hospital during 1395 and operated, most of them (16 patients 50 %) were in their fifth and sixth decades of life.20 cases 62.5 % were males and rest of them 12 cases 37.5 % were females. In this research 12 cases 40.62 % had pseudarthrosis in Tibia, 9 cases 28.12 % had humerus bone pseudarthrosis while 7 cases 21.87 % of patients had femoral bone pseudarthrosis. According to predisposing factors 10 cases 31.16 % had non-supportive fixation, 6 cases 18.75 % had infection, 5 cases 15.62 % had defect of bo

Keywords: Pseudarthrosis, Non-union, Osteogenic, Long Bone Fracture

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020

Pages: 623 - 626

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Dr. Bismillah Nijrabi, Dr. Ahmad Wali Ataye, Dr. Khalid Mohammad Qasem, Dr. Farukh Seyar, Dr. Farida Razavi, "Pseudarthrosis Formation in Open Fractures of Long Bones", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020, pp. 623-626,, DOI:

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