Identifying Short Comings of Single Use Plastic Bottle Masonry and Redesigning the Bottles Geometry to Make it More Efficient
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Architecture & Planning | India | Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10


Identifying Short Comings of Single Use Plastic Bottle Masonry and Redesigning the Bottles Geometry to Make it More Efficient

Ar. Rohit Raul, Sheetal Bagde, Ar. Abhay Jaipurkar

Abstract: India has seen an exponential growth in the use of plastics. This has led to the generation of plastic waste in large quantities. To satisfy the need of containing various liquids cheaply and effectively, the use of single use plastic bottles has become prevalent. Single use plastic bottles are known polluters of the environment, this is because of the numbers in which they are produced. They are designed with a single use in mind and are discarded after use. Simply recycling this plastic material indefinitely is not a viable solution as there are limitations in the recycling process due to which alternate solutions are required. It is also a well-established fact that there is a shortage of affordable housing in India and finding a cheaper building material will help reduce the cost of housing in the country. The research paper theoretically explore the benefits of re designing the structure of the single use plastic bottle in a way that it could be used as a replacement for a brick in the construction industry. Although a lot of research has been carried out exploring various ways the plastic bottles can be used as bricks but all of them use plastic bottles designs available in the market. The paper proposes that a single use plastic bottle designed to be used as brick after its primary purpose has been fulfilled will be more beneficial. This would help to reduce the waste generated by the single use plastic and also provide an efficient building material to help satisfy the ever increasing housing demand in the country.

Keywords: Single use plastic bottle, Modular plastic bottles, Interlocking bottles

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020

Pages: 1756 - 1761

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Ar. Rohit Raul, Sheetal Bagde, Ar. Abhay Jaipurkar, "Identifying Short Comings of Single Use Plastic Bottle Masonry and Redesigning the Bottles Geometry to Make it More Efficient", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020, pp. 1756-1761,, DOI: