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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Polluted Fuel Detecting System for Global Environmental Protection
K.Anil Kumar, D. Shyam Prasad
Abstract: Every vehicle will have emission but the problemoccurs when it is beyond the standardized values. Theprimary reason for this breach of emission level being theincomplete combustion of fuel supplied to engine, which isdue to the improper maintenance of vehicles. As a coin has two sides, this has its own effects, one of the main side effects being airpollution. This emissionfrom vehicles cannot be completely avoided but, it definitelycan be controlled. With the evolvement of semi-conductorsensors for detecting the various gases, this paper aims atusing those semi-conductor sensors at the emission outlets ofvehicles which detects the level of pollutants and alsoindicates this level with a meter. When the pollution/emission level shoots beyond the already set threshold level, there will be a buzz in the vehicle to indicate that the limithas been breached and the vehicle will stop after a certainperiod of time, a cushion time given for the driver to parkhis/her vehicle. During this time period, the GPS startslocating the nearest service stations. After the timer runsout, the fuel supplied to the engine will be cut-off and thevehicle has to be towed to the mechanic or to the nearestservice station. The purpose of the paper is to monitor vehicle parameters. When they exceeds threshold intimation is given to the nearby RTA including readings of parameters and location of the vehicle and sends the SMS to the nearby service centers through GSM.
Keywords: Air Pollution, Sensors, threshold level, GPS, Micro Controller
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014
Pages: 1845 - 1847
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