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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Detection of Hidden Tunnel Attack in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
Mahendra Dhole, Anand Gadwal
Abstract: Mobile ad-hoc network is an infrastructure less and self-organizing concept of network organization. Due to the ad-hoc environment of network there are various security and safety issues arises in the network such as routing security issue and data forwarding security issue. These security issues decrease the network performance in terms of throughput and other performance parameters like packet delivery ratio and routing overhead. The security of network resources is breaches by the malicious nodes which may moreover internal or external. Malicious nodes influence the network working by putting the numerous kinds of attacks. This work proposed a technique to detect wormhole attack which played via malicious node. To detect the malicious node or attacker various scheme have advised by researches which focus round trip time of packet. The advised schemes DelPHI and Packet Travel Time have some drawbacks like reliability, message overhead, and delay. This particular work is proposed to resolve the drawbacks of these schemes by evaluating the performance parameters of network.
Keywords: Mobile ad-hoc network, security, malicious nodes, wormhole attack, round trip time
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Pages: 2158 - 2164
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