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Research Paper | Geography | India | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Assessment of Ground Water Quality in Shrirampur Tehsil: A GIS-Integrated Approach
Dr. S. P. Cholke
Abstract: In recent years, an increasing threat to ground water quality due the results of man's activity at ground surface, the industries are discharging their effluents consist varies chemicals and dissolved salts more than the permissible limits with overuse of fertilizers on agricultural land coupled with overuse of water for irrigation have resulted in causing salinization of ground water. The quality of ground water depends on physical, chemical and biological factors, however, determining the overall water quality condition is difficult due to the spatial variability of multiple contaminants and the wide range of indicators, therefore, a GIS-based ground water quality index (WGQI) is one of the most effective tools to determining its suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes. It is observed that in the village Bhokar, Matapur and Eklahare has very high GWQ Index (between 13-27) therefore, water is more polluted and unsuitable for drinking due to extensive use of fertilizers, overuse of water for irrigation and discharge of molasses into the open ground. Therefore it is the need of the hour that the system of agriculture should be revitalized, to make an environmentally stronger. For this, first and foremost step is to conserve the surface and ground water where the Ground water quality is declining.
Keywords: GWQI, GIS, agriculture, fertilizer, over irrigation
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Pages: 436 - 439
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