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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Analytics of Application Resource Utilization within the Virtual Machine
Priyanka H
Abstract: Cloud environments are becoming increasingly prominent and are hosted in large data enters. These large data centres have large number of physical servers which in turn are virtualized into large number of Virtual Machines (VMs) which are orchestrated by cloud infrastructure like openstack, cloud stack etc. These cloud environments support large number of applications which consume resources in a varied sizes and are supported on these VM environment. These cloud infrastructures will need to monitor and manage these applications which are consuming resources in a wide variance for efficiency and effectiveness. This necessitates the cloud infrastructure to balance the utilization of the resources by applications in different VMs and attach new resources as needed or redistribute application to the VMs as relevant. To effectively manage these virtual systems and utility clouds, operators must understand current system and application behaviours. This requires continuous monitoring of resources consumed by the application along with analysis of the data captured by the monitoring system. This aims to monitor the resources utilized by application in the respective VMs and determine decisions for either migration of application or addition/reduction of resources based on configurable thresholds. This approach is leading from infrastructure based resource monitoring and management to application centric monitoring and management in the VMs.
Keywords: Analytics, Vms, Applications monitoring, Cloud
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Pages: 1690 - 1694
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