Secured Location-Based Rewarding System by using the user Digital Signature (SLBRDS)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Review Papers | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10


Secured Location-Based Rewarding System by using the user Digital Signature (SLBRDS)

Rubina Ashfaque Shah, Dr. Rahat Khan

Abstract: In the past few years the explosion of mobile devices has motivated the mobile marketing to surge. In recent few years the new type of mobile marketing term as mobile location based services has attracted strong attention. Regrettably, current MLB techniques have a lot of limitations and raise many concerns, especially about the security and privacy of the system. Here we proposed a novel location based rewarding system which termed as SLBRDS. In this system mobile user can gather area base tokens from the token wholesalers, and then exchange their collected tokens at token collectors for beneficial rewards. Here, develop a security and privacy aware location based rewarding protocol for the SLBRDS system, and proves the completeness and soundness of the protocol. Furthermore, we also shows that the proposed system is capable to flexible different assaults and versatile client security can be well protected. Also for the security purpose in our framework the trusted third party who at first authenticate or registered the mobile users trace the digital signature of the mobile user. When the mobile user request for the token to the token distributors, token distributor checks the digital signature of the mobile user, token collector also checks the digital signature of the mobile user when versatile client demand for token to the token gatherer. In the proposed system we detect an attack by tracing the IP address of the attacker.

Keywords: Mobile location-based services, security, privacy, digital signature

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016

Pages: 1072 - 1077


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Rubina Ashfaque Shah, Dr. Rahat Khan, "Secured Location-Based Rewarding System by using the user Digital Signature (SLBRDS)", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016, pp. 1072-1077,, DOI:

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