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Research Paper | Botany | India | Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Callus Culture and in vitro Shoot Regeneration from Stem Segments of Endemic and Medicinally Important Caralluma lasiantha (Wight) N.E.Br.
V. Aruna, C. Kiranmai, T. Pullaiah
Abstract: Present protocol describes callus induction from stem segments and indirect organogenesis of Caralluma lasiantha, an endemic and traditional medicinal plant. Among different media used, MS medium was selected for callus studies as well as for organogenesis based on percentage of response, fresh and dry weight of the callus. Optimum amount of callus was obtained from MS + 2, 4-D 3mg/l + BA 0.1mg/l. Maximum response (60 %) of regeneration from callus was observed on MS + BA 1 mg/l + 2iP 0.5 mg/l. In vitro rooting was carried on strength MS medium supplemented with NAA 0.1mg/l for better survival of plantlets. In vitro regenerated plantlets were successfully established in soil with 70 % survival rate.
Keywords: Callus culture, Caralluma lasiantha, organogenesis, in vitro rooting, in vitro propagation
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016
Pages: 903 - 908
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