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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Design and Analysis of Impact Barriers
Tejaswi Sunkara, U Sudhakar, Dayakar
Abstract: Textile honeycomb composites, with an array of hexagonal cells in the cross section, is a type of textile composites having the advantage of being light weight and energy absorbent over the solid composite materials. These structures are natural or man-made structures that have the geometry of a honeycomb to allow the minimization of the amount of used material to reach minimal weight and minimal material cost. The aim of this project is to investigate the influence of the geometric parameters on textile honeycomb composites on their mechanical performances under low velocity impact, which can be used to help designer control over the textile honeycomb composites. This project carries the comparison between hexagonal, square, triangular and cross triangular composite shapes for optimized inner core design based on FEA impact analysis to rectify the delamination problems occurring in honeycomb technology due to impacts.
Keywords: Impact Barriers, Solid Works, CAE model, Hyper mesh
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Pages: 2012 - 2018
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