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Research Paper | Mathematics | United States of America | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Popularity: 4.6 / 10
Mathematical Modelling of Spread and Control of the Hepatitis C Virus
Sunday L. A., Adedayo O.A, Ugwu U.C, Akande S. A., Muhammed I., Job. O.S., Ibiloye A.S.
Abstract: In this research paper, we developed and analysis a mathematical model of hepatitis C virus transmission we formulated and investigated using ordinary differential equations and a Susceptible-Infected- Removed model with partitioned population across disease risk factors. The feasible region of the model was verified and the positivity of the solutions was shown. The Disease Free Equilibrium and the Endemic Equilibrium are obtained. The basic reproduction numbers of the model are computed and analysed and both the local and global stability of the disease free and endemic equilibrium are shown. The model was implemented and verified with simulation across various population partitions.
Keywords: Modeling, Hepatitis C virus, Control, Equilibrium, Stability, Spread
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023
Pages: 581 - 588
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