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Case Studies | Medicine | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Popularity: 4.7 / 10
A Case of Iatrogenic Cushing's Syndrome
Dr. Jakasaniya Parth, Dr. R V Dosi, Dr. Malde Bhutiya, Dr. Savan Patel
Abstract: 46 years old male Patient known case of some respiratory illness no documentation available and patient taking over the counter Steroids for the same, came to SSG hospital with complaints of Cough with Expectoration since 3 days, c/o facial puffiness since 6 months, c/o constipation since 6 months, c/o itching over trunk, abdomen & both arms, c/o Abdominal distension since 1 year, c/o Weight gain since 5 Years, c/o Breathlessness on& off since birth aggravated by Dust particles & in Winter. There are no complaints of Fever, Orthopnea, Pedal edema, Melena, deceased Urine output. Patient?s Blood pressure was 140/86 mmHg; pulse rate 110/min and RBS - 191 mg/dl. On general examination patient has features of Moon Face, buffalo Hump over back, Itchy skin lesions over trunk/abdomen/ arms. On RS examination patient has wheeze present over bilateral lung fields other system examination was normal.
Keywords: Iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023
Pages: 162 - 162
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