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Research Paper | Psychiatry | India | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
A Pre-Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Demonstrated Audio assisted Jacobson Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques in Reducing Anxiety among Older Adults at the Selected Old Age Home in Delhi NCR
Lovely Singh, Lavanya Nandan
Abstract: Anxiety is a common illness among older adults, affecting as many as 10-20 percent of the older population, though it is often undiagnosed. Feeling anxious or nervous is a common emotion for people of all ages and a normal reaction to stress. Feeling anxious can help us handle problems and strange situations, and even avoid danger. It is normal to feel anxious about illnesses, new social interactions, and frightening events. But when one feels anxious often and the anxiety is overwhelming and affects daily tasks, social life, and relationships, it may be an illness. Jacobson Progressive muscle Relaxation Techniques are systematic therapy for managing anxiety and achieving a deep state of relaxation. The research design adopted for the present study is pre experimental one group pre & post-test design. After obtaining Permission the final study was conducted from 1st to 21st December 2018. Convenient sampling technique was used for selecting 30 samples. Geriatric anxiety inventory was used to assess the level of anxiety before & after administering JPMR. The JPMR is given for 20 days in the morning session. The duration of giving JPMR is 20minutes. In the pretest, majority16 (53.3 %) older adults were in moderate anxiety, 7 (23.4 %) were in severe anxiety, 4 (13.3 %) were in mild anxiety and 03 (10 %) were in no level of anxiety. In the posttest after receiving progressive muscle relaxation technique, 14 (46.7 %) of older adults were in moderate anxiety, 3 (10 %) were in mild anxiety, 6 (20 %) were in severe anxiety and 7 (23.3 %) were in no level of anxiety.
Keywords: Jacobson Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques, Geriatric Anxiety Inventory, Older adults
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
Pages: 1186 - 1189
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