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Research Paper | Agriculture | Uzbekistan | Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Perspective Varieties and F1 Hybrids of Sweet Pepper
Tulkin Kasimovich Kholmuminov, Muzaffar Khoshimovich Aramov
Abstract: In a result of a comprehensive evaluation of 20 varieties and F1 hybrids of sweet pepper, the perspective samples were selected to be used in breeding purposes. F1 hybrids Abay and Claudio, with 9799 days of sprouting-biological maturation duration of fruits, can be used as a source of an early ripening. For the creation of large-fruited varieties in breeding, F1 hybrids should be used: Prokraft, Dallas, Magno, Claudio, Gemini and Zumrad varieties. While for the selection of pachypleurous and very pachypleurous varieties and hybrids, the varieties Dar Tashkenta, Sabo, Nargiza, Lastochka, Podarok Moldovy, Shodlik, Zumrad and others, as well as F1 hybrids Prokraft, Cadia, should be used.
Keywords: sweet pepper, variety, F1 hybrid, interphase periods, plant height, fruit mass, fruit shape
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Pages: 1232 - 1234
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