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Research Paper | Gynaecology | India | Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
A Case Report of Vaginal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Uterovaginal Prolapse
Dr. C. Amirtha, Dr. Vidhya, Dr. K. Saraswathi
Abstract: A case of 72 years postmenopausal women para 1, live 1, previous normal vaginal delivery, came with history of mass descending per vaginum for the past 20 years and had an episode of postmenopausal bleeding 6 months back now have the complaints of severe abdominal pain for 3 days and urinary retention for the past 2 days. On gynaecological examination patient was found to have third degeree uterovaginal prolapse which was edematous and there was an ulcer of size 3×3 centimeters on the anterior wall with marked edema. Patient was catheterized immediately and clear urine was drained. . Biopsy of the ulcer was done which was suggestive of invasive squamous cell carcinoma.
Keywords: uterovaginal prolapse, postmenopausal, squamous cell carcinoma
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019
Pages: 1480 - 1481
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