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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
The Spoken Error Correction Used by the Teachers in English Classroom at Different Level of Education
Widya Sri Wahyuni, Hamzah Hamzah
Abstract: This research aims to find, describe, and analyze the correction techniques used by the teachers in English classroom interaction. This research focuses to (1) identify the types of spoken error correction used by the teachers in English classroom, (2) explain the uptake of students toward the types of spoke error correction used by the teachers in English classroom, and (3) describe the preferences of students toward the spoken error correction used by the teachers in English classroom. This research was conducted at junior and senior high schools involving six English teachers and 266 students as respondents. This is a descriptive research which analyzes the teacher-student interaction in the classroom. The findings shows that (1) the most frequently type of spoken error correction used by the teachers at junior high Schoosl was recast while at Senior High School was clarification request. (2) The uptake of students highly contributed by recast at Junior High while at Senior High was contributed highly by clarification request. (3) The preferences of students toward the spoken error correction used by the teachers in English classroom at both levels were strongly preferred to the teacher provided correction and recast as the correction technique in correcting the students’ erroneous utterance.
Keywords: Error Correction, Students uptake, students preferences
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019
Pages: 886 - 891
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