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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Analysis of G+5 RC Building for Blast Forces
A. Lalitha, V. Lakshmi
Abstract: Necesssity of designing certain important structures to resist blast loads is gaining significance day by day due to increase in Blast attacks by terrorists, and domestic accidents like LPG gas cylinder bursts have become a concern due to their increased rate of recurrence and fatal effect on lives and properties. So it has been a essential to design structures which can resist blast effect better, so that destruction is controlled in a better way Blast forces causes loss of structural integrity due to partial or complete collapse of structural members. Blast loads are dynamic loads that must be calculated cautiously as that of other dynamic loads. The present study presents effect of blast loads on 5 storey R. C. C building. Effect of 100kg Tri nitro toluene (TNT) blast source which is at 40m away from the building is considered for analysis and designed. Blast loads are calculated by hand as per IS: 4991-1968 and force time history analysis is performed in STAAD Pro. The influence of blast loads on structure is compared to that of same structure in static condition, the parameters like peak displacements, velocity, acceleration are considered and the revision in design is made for the structure in static condition so that it can withstand the effect of blast forces.
Keywords: Blast, Drag- load, Side-on over pressure force, Structural Displacements, Peak reflected overpressure
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
Pages: 1502 - 1506
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