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Research Paper | Chemistry | India | Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Study on the Waste Water Quality and Sediments of the Industrial Area and Its Effect, Raigarh (C.G.) India
Manju Ekka, Dr. Sonal Choubey
Abstract: The present aim of the investigatory work is to determine the concentration and effect of the effluent or contaminant absorbed by the industrial waste water and sediments nearer to the industrial area (pond) of the Raigarh (C. G. ) India. Samples of waste water and sediments collected in the month of December, January and February in the year 2019. The average range of physico-chemical parameter of waste water recorded are as follows PH 7.56, TDS 613 ppm and Hardness 264.4 g/L are higher in December. Cl 89.8 g/L & BOD 7.44 higher in January. Alkalinity 254.4 g/L higher and DO 4.94 lower in February. Some values are within permissible limit of the drinking water standards (IS: 10500), some values are above the limits. The average range of measured concentrations in the total sediments are PH 8, EC 677.4 s/cm, Alkalinity 3.37 mg/gm, N 206 kg/hac (lowest), K 151.544 kg/hac, OC 0.02 % (lowest), S 68.802 kg/hac, Zn 0.928 mg/kg, Fe 31.616 mg/kg, Mn 20.38 mg/kg, Cu 1.624 mg/kg. The highest concentration of the metals or elements were found in the sediments due to higher adsorption of sediments which causes contaminations, pollution and diseases.
Keywords: Industrial waste water, Pollution, Sediment, Effluent, Concentration, Contamination, Nutrients, Physico-Chemical Analysis
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019
Pages: 1784 - 1793
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