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Research Paper | Arts and Humanities | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Womens Figure in Mufi Mubarohs Two Works
Rizki Citra Arista
Abstract: Art is an expression of reality. Especially painting. The presence of the female figure in human life have very important contributed. Especially if the woman is a mother. Drawing is a technique in the process of creating art. With the innovative creations of someone artists then created a new reality in which the relation between visual form. Mufi Mubaroh is STKW Surabaya academic graduate and Postgraduate ISI artist who lived in Surabaya and have an influence on the development of painting, especially in Surabaya. Based on the authors interest to figure Mufi Mubaroh, the problems in this research are (1) The figure Mufi Mubaroh in art of Surabaya, (2) The process of creating Mufi Mubaroh artworks in two paintings entitled Custodian Of Mother and Mother Monument, (3) Results two Mufi Mubaroh artworks entitled Custodian Of Mother and Mother Monument. To achieve these objectives the author uses holistic research using data methods collection, observations, interviews with various sources of support, and documentation, then analyze the data. To achieve the validity of the data is used triagulasi data. From the data analysis we concluded that (1) Mufi Mubaroh engaged in the world of painting, especially in Surabaya since been active as a student STKW Surabaya, (2) The process of creation of works of art Mufi Mubaroh against two artworks entitled Custodian Of Mother and Mother Monument, and (3) the visual meaning of the two Mufi Mubaroh paintings entitled Custodian Of Mother and Mother Monument.
Keywords: Woman, holistic, Painting
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
Pages: 1109 - 1112
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