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Research Paper | Social Science | Kenya | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Institutional Impact on Pastoral Community Resilience to Drought in Kajiado County, Kenya
Ezekiel Kemboi, Jones F. Agwata, Stephen O. Anyango
Abstract: The exponential disaster impacts reflect the low drought resilience of the pastoral community to drought. The study assessed the communities resilience to drought. The study used the disaster resilience theory which borrows from the Karl Marx radical theory and the max weber Conservative Theory (Manyena, 2009) and the drought vulnerability conceptual framework. The study used quantitative and qualitative data collection. Qualitative content and thematic analysis, quantitative factor analysis. Results revealed climate change escalated negative impact on the biophysical environment, pastoralists food insecurity and livelihoods. The development marginalized dryland communities. The study concluded pastoral livelihoods low drought resilience from worsening biophysical and climatic changes besides household destitution. All in all the inappropriate ex-post drought management approaches contributed the low pastoralist resilience to drought events. The study recommends understanding of indigenous knowledge contribution to drought resilience among pastoral communities, bridging the relief and development
Keywords: Disaster, Drought, Resilience
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
Pages: 348 - 354
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