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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Comprehensive Analysis of Square Short and Slender RC Columns Wrapped with Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets under Uniform Compression
Anand, Dr. Rajeev Chandak
Abstract: Strengthening and retrofitting of old and existing structures is a major area of research for some time now. This paper focuses on the strengthening of the columns with Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Polymer sheets wrapped around them. The conventional methods of retrofitting and strengthening such as steel jacketing needs space and time. A lot of past researches have established that CFRP is a good substitute for the old methods for short columns. This work verifies the usability of CFRP for both short and slender columns of square cross sectional area. The columns were loaded axially in a quasi-static manner. The ultimate load and stress resistance of the short columns were found to have enhanced by 75 % if doubly wrapped and for the same the long column produces an increase of 124.5 % which is satisfactory. In this regard the cost of the short column goes up by 35-50 % and 50-75 % for long column depending upon singly or doubly wrapped.
Keywords: Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer, Retrofitting, Strengthening, Columns
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018
Pages: 1309 - 1314
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