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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018 | Popularity: 7.7 / 10
Preventive Maintenance of Steam Turbine used in Thermal Power Plant by Reliability Investigation and FMEA
Satyendra Dhurvey, Pradeep Kumar Soni
Abstract: The fault method of steam turbine parts, unbalance of pivoting components, misalignment of turbine shaft, rotor breakdown, oil film flimsiness of bearing and so on are responsible for problematic and unverifiable failure of energy plant. Experience of administrators, support arrangement execution of maintenance group and utilizing norms codes of good practices by designers and makers are diminishing the potential failure methods of the system. This work researches the reliability of steam turbines introduced in a thermal power plant. reliability estimation depends on a most recent five year verifiable failure database of two turbines of 210 MW, both are introduced and authorized in the meantime. The technique for reliability assessment depends on ideas of system reliability, for example, failure mode and impacts examination (FMEA) to order basic segments in light of an authentic failure database to enhance the system reliability. It is important to enhance the reliability records of the power plant by taking a few measures, for example, very much arranged and routine maintenance of types of assets and also preparing and retraining of specialized technical human resources of the major equipment.
Keywords: Reliability, RCM, MTBF, MTTR, FMEA
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018
Pages: 18 - 22
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