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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | Saudi Arabia | Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Appraisal of Awareness of Surgical Staff about contamination at Selected Surgical Units, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Asim Abdulrahman M. AlQarni, Dr. Raed Abdullah Alshahrani, Dr. Hamoud Hassan Al Shari
Abstract: Background Awareness of Surgical Staff about contamination requires being highly valued and practices by all the health care practitioners, even though decisive staff development in the prevention of Infection Control. Objective To Evaluation of Awareness of Surgical Staff about contamination among Surgical Staff at the Selected Surgical Unit-Saudi Arabia. Method A cross-sectional survey was conducted at the Selected Surgical Unit-Saudi Arabia. Tool was consisting of 16 items self-administered questionnaire was provided to 150 Surgical Staff at the research setting based on their area of their specialties to assess their level of evaluation of Awareness of Surgical Staff About Personal Protective Equipments. Results The findings of the current study showed the level of awareness of Contaminations significantly associated with many variables (Table.1). The findings of the current study showed than more than two third (94.0 %) *of the respondents were very aware of Contamination statistically significantly difference in relation to the aspect of Adequate information about how to prevent Infection Control. Moreover, it was found that Surgical staff had high level of awareness (91.5 %) * in relation to Senior management is accountable for ensuring that healthcare personnel, including licensed and no licensed personnel, are adequately trained and competent to perform their job responsibilities towards Infection Control. Furthermore, majority of the participants (92.5 %) * Personnel from the IPC program, the laboratory, and information technology departments are responsible for ensuring that systems are in place to support the surveillance program of prevention of Infection Control. Conclusions The current study results revealed that there was a high level of awareness among surgical staff towards contamination within the study setting.
Keywords: Medical Staff, Awareness & Contamination
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018
Pages: 769 - 772
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