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Research Paper | Cardiology Science | India | Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
C - Reactive Protein Levels and Its Correlation with Infections, Mortality and Organ Failure in Critically ILL Patients
Dr Avadhesh Narayan Khare, Dr Lokendra Dave
Abstract: INTRODUCTION A number of inflammatory cells and mediators involved in the inflammatory response have their role as potential markers of the presence and severity of the inflammatory response and organ failure in critically ill patient. Serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), markedly increase within hours after infection or inflammation. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To study the association between early serum CRP concentrations and the development of organ failure and mortality in ICU patients. Design Prospective cohort study MATERIAL AND METHOD the study carried out in emergency medical ward hamidia between april to November 2011. patient divided in 3 groups based on crp at time of admission. in gp 1 crp 10mg/dl. RESULTS Patients with high CRP levels at ICU admission had more severe organ dysfunction and higher mortality rates. CRP concentrations were correlated with the presence and number of organ failures. The incidence of infection was directly related to the CRP level on ICU admission [gp1 27.77 % vs gp2 57.57 % vs gp3 73.07 % p
Keywords: ICU, outcome, sepsis marker, sequential organ failure assessment
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018
Pages: 775 - 785
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