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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Success of Tracheal Intubation under Vision Using the LMA C-Trach, A New Laryngeal Mask Airway: Evaluation in 30 Patients
Dr. Bhavna Soni, Dr. Nikita S. Badmaliya, Dr. Bhavna H. Sojitra, Dr. Pragna Vachharajani
Abstract: Aim The aim of study was to assess airway by direct laryngoscopy with macintosh laryngoscope using Cormack-lehane score and correlation of this score with intubation attempts using LMA Ctrach. Material and method A observational study has been done in Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education And Research, Gujarat.30 patients of, either sex, aged between 20 60 yrs, ASA I & II were evaluated. Airway assessement done. After induction, Patients underwent direct laryngoscopy by Macintosh laryngoscope and Cormack-Lehane scores were recorded. LMA C- Trach was inserted using one hand rotation technique. Endotracheal tube was introduced through LMA C Trach under vision and ventilation through endotracheal tube was confirmed. Attempts were made to improve the image of vocal cord on LCD monitor by manoeuvres. Hemodynamic parameters, ETCo2 and SpO2, Cormack-lehane grade, intubation attempts, Time for intubation, need of manoeuvres and airway trauma were assessed. Results In present study, 33 % patients of C-L score I, 20 % patients of C-L score II, 33.33 % patients of C-L score III and 13.33 % of patients of C-L score IV were obtained. All patients having C-L score I and IV were intubated at first attempt with mean intubation time 65.44.11sec and 70.2.58sec respectively.33 % of patients of C-L score II and 20 % of patients of C-L score III were intubated at second attempt with mean intubation time was 885.65 sec and 937.07 sec respectively.20 % of patients of C-L score III were intubated after third attempts using adjusting maneuvers with mean intubation time 1342.82 sec. Dental trauma and mucosal injury were seen in 30 % patients havingC-L score III during intubation with LMA C-Trach. Endotracheal intubation at first attempt can be achieved by LMA ctrach even in difficult airway having cormack-lehane grading IV. Conclusion We concluded that successful endotracheal intubation at first attempt can be achieved by LMA C-trach even in difficult airway situation like Comack-Lehane score IV which was assessed by macintosh laryngoscope with less airway trauma. Successful tracheal intubation can be achieved by LMA C-Trach even in difficult airway situation which was assessed by cormack-lehane scores. The LMA C-Trach may provide high success rate for intubation in patients of difficult airway management.
Keywords: Equipment LMA C-Trach, Equipment Macintosh laryngoscope, Cormack-lehane grading, Airway management
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Pages: 1989 - 1993
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