International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018

Implementation of Optical Character Recognition Technology with Pollution Measurement Using Olfactory Sensor

Subhojit Paul [7] | Siddhartha Sen [3] | Debdoot Ganguly [2] | Tuhin Sarkar [2] | Soumik Dutta [2] | Sahil Sakar [2] | Ankan Paul [3]

Abstract: Nowadays with the evolution of science and innovation of modern technologies the world is going into a phase of automation and in this approach we also need to keep in mind that the most delicate organ of nature, environment does not get affected. In everyday life huge amount of damage caused to the environment is due to smoke released from automobiles that run on petrol and diesel. Now we cannot eliminate the use of petrol or diesel run automobiles instantly, but we can ensure that the smoke released from them is within limits and does not increase pollution. The government basically relies on the inspection of pollution card for each and every automobile but our objective is to replace this process with a nano-mechanical olfactory sensor thereby making it autonomous. Olfactory sensors can be installed at toll bridges or parking lots to detect extent of damage caused by the smoke released from the automobiles and thereby using OCR technology to check the license plate number of the automobiles damaging the environment causing pollution.

Keywords: Environmental Pollution, Nano-mechanical Olfactory sensor, Optical Character Recognition, Automation

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018,

Pages: 1703 - 1706

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