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Research Paper | Dental Science | Saudi Arabia | Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Comparing Effectiveness of Soft, Medium and Hard Bristle Tooth Brushes on Oral Hygiene
Wafaa Abdelraouf Khalil
Abstract: Background With the increasing rate of oral diseases there is a progressive need for effective measures for prevention and provision of better oral health. Tooth brushes as a commercial and effective tools are available with different bristle textures, sizes, and forms. This study aims to compare the effect of soft, medium and hard bristle tooth brushes on oral hygiene, using an oral hygiene indices. Methods Included in the study 59 regular brush male users recruited on voluntary basis, with a mean age of 39.0310.34. A face to face questionnaire was used to assess type of texture of their tooth brushes coupled with gingival examination. Excluded from the study those with chronic illnesses, on oral mouth wash or receiving antibiotics for the last one month. Results Significant differences were detected in the oral hygiene measure Gingival index (GI) when related to the three textures of the tooth paste brush bristles with a p-value =0.001 between soft and medium and 0.023 between soft and hard bristles. High gingival index was shown with the soft texture, and a significant difference in the Plaque index (PI) between soft and medium texture (p-value =0.001). Conclusion Best gingival index reported on using medium texture, while the worst index with the soft texture regardless of type of tooth brush used. Further research is, however, recommended.
Keywords: Oral hygiene indices, Gingival Index, Plaque Index, Toothbrush, Soft, Medium & Hard Bristle Textures
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017
Pages: 1897 - 1901